Home Safety Tips for Older Adults with Low Vision
Updated on 01/20/2022
Low vision is a chronic visual impairment which cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or medical treatment; making it a serious home safety risk for seniors & a major concern for family caregivers. Hence, older adults with low vision who want to age in place must take some necessary measures to ensure their safety at home.
Remove Slipping and Tripping Hazards
As low vision increases the risk of falls, remove all the slipping and tripping hazards by de-cluttering your house in the following ways:
- Keep electrical cords out of the walkways so the senior doesn’t trip over them.
- Apply non-stick coatings in the kitchen, bathroom, & tiled areas.
- Tape the rugs on the edges so they don’t trip over them.
- Check for uneven areas, particularly steps. If there are any, get them repaired.
- Make sure the railings on the stairways are secure & stable.
Improve Lighting
Poor lighting can make vision problems worse for seniors, increasing the risk of accidents. So, make sure there is adequate lighting in every area of your house, particularly along the walkways and stairways where falls are most likely to occur. Also, keep those areas of the house well-lit that you frequently use or which are notoriously dark. If needed, you can change the type of lighting you currently have in different rooms in order to better meet the needs of your senior family member.
Create Clear Distinctions
Usually, seniors with low vision easily notice bright differences in colors, like dark blue against yellow, black against white, etc. You can use this to their advantage by putting contrasting colored tapes on the edges of steps and countertops so they can clearly see where they end. You can also consider using plates & silverware which can be easily seen against the placemats or tabletop. Using the right colors, you can create clear distinctions at different places of your house to help your aging loved one stay safe.
If they need extra care and support while aging in place, reach out to Helping Hand Nursing Services for the best senior home care in Lakeland, Florida. Call @ (863) 616-1888 to request a free assessment!
By Helping Hand Nursing ServicesReviewed By Audra Gold Read Time 5 minutes Posted on 06/18/2020